Eye Care Services

Eye Care Services

Eye Care Services

Eye Care Services

Eye Care Services

Eye Care Services in Laingsburg, MI

We are committed to providing quality eye care to you and your family.

Eye Exams

If you’ve had a vision screening recently, you might say, “My vision is fine! I don’t need a comprehensive eye exam.”

But a vision screening provides a limited perspective on the overall health of your eyes. It’s a bit like getting your blood pressure checked and not getting the rest of your annual physical. You’ll have useful information, but it’s not the whole picture.

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We are proud to be a member of the American Optometric Association and to be enrolled as InfantSEE® providers. This is a one-time service which offers early detection of Potential Eye And Vision problems at no cost regardless of income or ability to pay.

InfantSEE® is a public health program, to ensure that optometric eye and vision care becomes an integral part of infant wellness care to improve a child’s quality of life.

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Retinal Photos

Oftentimes, it can be difficult for patients to understand what the optometrist is talking about because they cannot see what she sees when looking inside the eye. With a retinal camera, photos are taken of the back of the eye so that patients can see what doctor sees. This brings a greater understanding to patients, and it also provides a baseline photo. If things start to change, doctor has a photo to which she can refer. Even microscopic changes can be noted and documented.​​​​​​​

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Visually Evoked Potential (VEP)

Sometimes, a patient’s problem lies with the brain or nervous system rather than the eyes themselves. To figure out if this is the case, we can perform a VEP or Visually Evoked Potential.​​​​​​​

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Glasses Adjustments

With each pair of eyeglasses we dispense, our staff members strive to make the frame fit the patient’s face and ears perfectly. Even if the glasses weren’t purchased from our office, we are more than happy to adjust the frame to prevent sore spots or uneven wear.​​​​​​​

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